The Blog

e-Marketing can’t be done by computers

Posted on the 3rd October 2011

It’s one of those odd things…e-marketing, (or internet marketing, e business or e-commerce), whatever you call it, is all about computers. No computers; no need for e-commerce. But because we are marketing to human beings it is a job that cannot be solely carried out by computers and computer systems.  In other words; as long as we are selling to human beings, we’re going to need humans to handle the marketing.
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Taking eCommerce forward with Social Marketing

Posted on the 4th May 2010

A website’s success largely depends on receiving quality visitors, that is, visitors that have an interest or stake in the topic and content of the site.

Companies spend tens of thousands of pounds per month on Search Marketing and Pay Per Click, and consider those 2% conversion rates to be satisfactory. We say… that’s crazy!
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An Integrated Approach to eCommerce

Posted on the 1st April 2010

You’ve tried eBay, you’ve maybe even dabbled in running your own online shop, or you’re importing goods to sell… With stiff competition and thousands competing for the same customers, how can you break into the market with any significance? How can you really make a success of selling online? How can you afford to wait months or years to see any income? Read more

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